Virtual Booth
Jen Stanchfield / Experiential Tools
- Professional Development Workshops for Educators and Facilitators
- Custom Facilitation and Teambuilding Trainings
- The Inspired Educator Blog: 12 Years Worth of Activities, Strategies and Articles
- Books: Inspired Educator, Inspired Learner and Tips & Tools for the Art of Experiential Group Facilitation
- Reflection and Engagement Tools: Pick-a-Postcard Kit, Miniature Metaphors, Quotables, Conversation Starters

Join one of Jen's Upcoming Workshops or create a Custom Workshop for your organization
Jen specializes in trainings for educators, counselors, trainers, group facilitators, administrators, and students. Workshop topics include experiential, brain-based approaches to social and emotional learning and academic engagement, team-building, the art of group facilitation, and techniques to enhance meaningful group dialogue and to learn more

Inspired Teaching Tools & Books
Jen carefully hand selects the items that make up her facilitation tools focusing on usability, quality and aesthetic appeal. She “field tests” the tools regularly in her own work as a facilitator with students and adults. She seeks out locally made, sustainable and green materials and the kits are all designed and printed locally. Jen is also the author of Tips and Tools for The Art of Experiential Group Facilitation and Inspired Educator, Inspired Learner: Experiential, Brain-Based Activities and Strategies to Engage, Motivate, Build Community and Create Lasting Lessons both of which contain a wealth of activities and information on experiential education and are utilized by teachers and facilitators all over the teaching tools

The Inspired Educator Blog
Jen's Inspired Educator Blog turned twelve this year! Take a look through her extensive collection of free activities and inspiring articles on experiential, brain-based approaches to engagement, SEL group development and helpful facilitation, teaching and reflection strategies.explore the blog